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Swagelok Calgary | Fort St. John | Grande Prairie | Medicine Hat | Prince George | Red Deer | Saskatoon | Vancouver | Winnipeg facilities are SQS (Swagelok Quality System) and ABSA (Alberta Boilers Safety Association) certified with a steadfast commitment to honouring our six core values.  Authorized Swagelok sales and service centers are evaluated annually for compliance, and every three years for SQS implementation, and certification.

The structure of the Swagelok Quality System places us in a better position to anticipate and understand your changing needs, and deliver high-quality products and services consistently by clear and measurable objectives, well trained associates, properly maintained equipment and consistent processes.  This equates to an efficient process, engaged employees and satisfied customers.

In addition to the Swagelok Quality System, our Swagelok Calgary (registered as Southern Alberta Fluid System Technologies Inc.) facility holds a current ABSA Certificate of Authorization Permit (AQP) pursuant to section 44 of the Safety Codes Act authorizing a person to carry out the activities of the AQP. 

Company Name: Southern Alberta Fluid System Technologies Inc. (O/A Swagelok Calgary)
Shop Address: 3202 - 12 Avenue NE, Calgary, AB T2A 6N8 
Phone: (844) 402-0202
Program: AQP-21905
Expiry Date: December 6, 2027 

Authorized to:

  • Construct, alter and repair ASME B31.1 Mechanically Assembled Power Piping (Shop and Field)
  • Construct, alter and repair ASME B31.3 Mechanically Assembled Process Piping - ALTER (Shop and Field)
  • Manufacture Category D Fittings in accordance with CSA B51 (Shop)
  • Manufacture and alter Category H Fittings in accordance with CSA B51 (Shop)
  • Repair Category H Fittings in accordance with CSA B51 (Shop and Field)

Search ABSA directory 

Swagelok Manufacturing Virtual Tour

Take a tour of Swagelok's facility, and explore the various quality steps taken to uphold our core values, such as Quality and Customer Focus. 

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Please contact us with any quality related questions.