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Use Standard Subsystems to Simplify Sampling

Our pre-assembled subsystems reduce the complexity of your sampling system making it easier to maintain an accurate result.

In all types of facilities where oil and gas are processed, standard pre-engineered subsystems can bring efficiency to an operation by simplifying the design of fluid sampling and control systems. This also creates a fully documented system making it much easier to acquire and assemble parts, and to ensure consistency across facilities, across continents. Subsystems can include:

Calibration and Switching Modules

A calibration and switching module eliminates the potential for contamination by properly selecting process or calibration streams. The module also preconditions the sample so that it is inserted into the analyzer at the appropriate pressure, temperature, flow and filtration levels.

Fast Loop Modules

Fast loop modules are used to minimize time delays and provide fresh, representative samples, particularly when sample transport lines are long.

Field Station Modules

A field station module reduces gas pressure at or near the sample extraction point. Transporting samples at lower pressure results in faster analyzer response time. 

Fluid Distribution Headers

Fluid distribution headers are used as versatile manifolds in a variety of gas and liquid applications, providing a flow path with multiple outlets, similar to a large branch fitting. 

Sample Probe Modules

Using sample probes in conjunction with sample probe valves can improve safety as well as sample purity and timeliness.

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