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Troubleshoot Your Sampling System in Just Two Days


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Sampling Sub-SystemIt takes a good fluid sampling system to make a process analyzer reliable. Inaccurate results are often due to a problem with the sampling system itself, not the analyzer. Unfortunately, sampling system mistakes are always costly, sometimes dangerous – and often go undetected.

Cost Savings and Accuracy

Technicians, engineers, and chemists have long struggled to get optimal, repeatable performance from their process analyzers. Those in charge of designing and managing these systems must be highly trained and experienced, but, incredibly, few colleges and universities offer sampling system design in their curricula. Having personnel on-site who can determine if a problem is being caused by an analyzer or by the sampling system can take the guesswork and rework out of routine operation and maintenance, meaning greater accuracy in analytical instrumentation and significant cost savings for companies.

Industry expert Tony Waters explains why Swagelok offers training in process analyzer sampling systems. Plants have fewer and fewer individuals on hand with expertise in sampling systems. Also, it’s estimated that about 80 percent of the problems with analyzers can be traced to poor sampling system design.

Knowledge is Experience

Experience has taught Swagelok that understanding the design behind a sampling system is the key to detecting and correcting problems before they become costly. Swagelok is proud to be a valuable resource for those who are charged with the critical responsibility of designing, installing, and maintaining process analyzer systems. Swagelok prepares analytical instrumentation professionals to catch mistakes before they happen and recognize common problems in sampling systems. We are happy to offer Swagelok's Sample System Problem Solving and Maintenance (SSM) course hosted by our friends at Edmonton Valve & Fitting on November 14-15, 2017. Students will learn:

  • How to recognize and diagnose common sampling system design flaws that lead to excessive time delay and non-representative samples.
  • The formulas, calculations and engineering principles that can help you properly troubleshoot process analyzer sampling systems and fine-tune them for optimal performance.
  • How to maintain your sampling system with minimal error and greater system integrity.
  • How to troubleshoot actual sampling system designs and recommend corrective actions.

The two-day course is ideal for anyone who diagnoses, troubleshoots and maintains sampling systems, including sampling system and analyzer technicians, maintenance personnel and system engineers and is suitable for basic training or as a refresher for experienced professionals. With limited seat availability and a registration deadline of November 1st, act now to reserve your spot today!

Learn more about the Sample System Problem Solving and Maintenance training HERE or if you're ready to register, click on the banner below.


Swagelok Sample System Problem Solving and Maintenance

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