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Safety First: Industrial Fluid System Checklist


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Safety First Topic:

Following Manufacturer's Instruction

Something's in life you can assemble without instructions. However, the manufacturer's instructions can offer additional technical information that can help you form risk assessments and allow more effective planning in your design. When it comes to an application containing high-pressure, high-temperature liquids or gases, instructions help you maintain a safe, reliable fluid system. Furthermore, you can help avoid errors, such as:

  • Under-tightening fittings, which creates opportunities for leaks and blowouts.
  • Not ensuring tubing rests firmly on the shoulder of the tube fitting body before tightening.
  • Failing to properly check tubes for ovality, defects, or scratches that can compromise a seal.
  • Failing to check extremes of wall thickness against fitting manufacturers' suggested limitations.
  • Failing to use a proper gap inspection gauge to ensure sufficient fitting pull-up.

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