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"One of the most time-consuming parts of a plant turnaround involves checking for leakage at all connection points after fluid systems have been reassembled with new or refurbished parts. Improper installation and inefficient leak detection processes can result in major costs—and if some leaks go undetected, resulting emissions can result in a safety risk.

Compressed Air Survery

So, when it was time for a major natural gas processor to perform a turnaround at a Canadian facility, they turned to Swagelok Calgary to help expedite the leak detection process and ensure proper reinstallation was performed."

—Swagelok Reference Point


Swagelok Evaluation & Advisory Services

Improve efficiency, increase reliability, and reduce energy consumption and emissions in everyday plant operations by addressing and eliminating gas leaks throughout your facility. We’ll help you identify leaks and quantify leak rates so you can prioritize the most critical issues to address based on safety, cost and productivity.

Case Study: Compressed Air Survey 

By leveraging Swagelok Evaluation & Advisory Services – Compressed Air Survey – our customer was able to realize an 85% reduction in the number of leak points, and the associated quantified cost savings of $242,000 by reducing those emissions, with an additional cost savings of $250,000 by eliminating the need for another compressor. As a result, we enhanced their bottom line and improved the safety of their facility.

Interested in exploring how you could benefit from a similar leak detection project? Get in touch to learn more.

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